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Storyline and Instructional Design Resources

Progress Level Checklist

This checklist tries to offer some help related to your Storyline journey by identifying some of the key stages and elements of knowing how to work with the software.


Are you new to the software? Have you been using it for a long time? 


Either way, check this document out and let me know what you think!

Last-minute before Publishing Checklist

It's happened to all of us that we forgot to check something before publishing a Storyline course. Publishing a large file can take a long time so it's better to check as many things as possible before clicking the final yes.


This checklist is aiming to help e-learning developers, instructional designers and other professionals within an L&D team to make changes before publishing the final version of their course. 


Feel free to download the PDF file and use it during your own development work or get in touch with me if you have anything that you would add to the list to make it more complete.


Storyline Do's and Don'ts

Here is a list of considerations for your Storyline development process. The list contains before, during and after rules for doing development work in Storyline. 

Instructional Design Do's and Don'ts

A checklist for some of the basic considerations of the instructional design process. The list contains elements based on the different stages of a project.

Checklist for Launching a Digital Learning Project

Need some help with planning your project? Have a look at this checklist to see some of the most common considerations at the planning stage.



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